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Real Integrative Medicine with Dr. Jordan Robertson ND

Oct 26, 2023

In this solo episode, I give you the knowledge and understanding of your bladder changes over the age of 40, and the things you can do to reduce the frequency of UTIs (Urinary Tract Infections). 

The bladder changes when hormones change. The microbiome changes, bladder tone changes and our sensations in our...

Oct 19, 2023

Just as an FYI, we swear a lot in this one. Totally unapologetically. The discussion requires swearing. 


Today I have the pleasure of gifting you this incredibly important and raw conversation with Dr. Jody Carrington. A psychologist who is changing the world by teaching us about empathy, connection and true...

Oct 12, 2023

When I opened my clinic, 15 years ago, my tagline was "Be open to the possibility of change." 

I felt like my role was to help people think differently about their health, to get out of their own way and to be curious about what health care could be like. 

In today's podcast, we talk about whether or not your doctor...

Oct 5, 2023

If you've ever wondered if your thyroid is getting in the way of your metabolism and weight goals, this episode is for you. 

Whether you've struggled with hypothyroidism, or have just been curious about your thyroid, I'm sure you've come across many claims that treating your thyroid will "solve" your metabolism or...